Printing from a Chromebook

  1. Sign into a Chromebook using your ISD109 Google account.
  2. Once signed in, you should notice that the app “Mobility Print” is automatically installed. This app allows your Chromebook to see the printers on our network.
  3. When you go to print a document, the default is usually “Save as PDF”. Click “Change…”
  4. You will now see the list of printers appear. They will have a green PaperCut logo next to them as shown below:

  5. Select the printer you want to print to. It should save this printer for next time you want to print.
  6. Once you have your printer selected, click print.
  7. You will now see a window pop up asking for your PaperCut username and password. This will be the same as your Windows username (for students, this will be the same as their Google login, but without the and password. Click submit.
  8. Congratulations! You have successfully printed from your Chromebook!

To View the Balance of your PaperCut Account on a Chromebook

There is an addition to your Bookmarks Bar in Chrome. Underneath the Home button and address bar, there is a folder called “D109 Links”. In this folder, you will see a link called “PaperCut User Summary”. This will bring you to a page where you can sign in using the same credentials used to print. Here you will be able to see your balance as well as your transaction and print history.